Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The weather is finally beginning to show some signs of warming up and my girls and I are just about ready to plant our garden.  The more I begin to organize all that we need to do to prepare, the more I realize what a healthy workout this will be. Just think about it:

Stretching: Reaching when weeding the garden, pulling a branch, or reaching to rake and plant incorporates both upper body and trunk stretching. Challenge yourself even further with raking or breaking up your soil by reaching further each time.

Strengthening: Lifting bags of mulch, digging holes for plants, static positions for picking weeds are all activities that build up strength in our large muscle groups (i.e. biceps, triceps, hamstrings and quads). Concentrate on correct lifting techniques and tightening your stomach muscles to turn each of these activities into a core building exercise. 

Cardio: Did you know that you can burn the following calories if you participate in 30 minutes of these gardening activities a day:

  • Digging Holes - Men: 197 calories, Women: 150 calories
  • Planting - Men: 177 calories, Women: 135 calories
  • Weeding - Men: 157 calories, Women: 156 calories

It’s important to make sure you drink plenty of water and wear sunscreen when working in the garden. Remember to stretch before and after gardening to decrease any chance of post activity soreness. If you have any questions about correct lifting techniques, call TheraCORE to schedule a complimentary injury screening with one of our licensed physical therapists. Better yet, call to schedule a massage with one of our massage therapists to reward yourself for a job well done!

Happy Gardening!

16622 W. 159th St., Ste. 503 - Lockport, IL 60441 - (815) 838-5070
350 E. Ogden Ave., Ste. 200 - Westmont, IL 60559 - (630) 908-7430