Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Helping your Valentine stay “Heart Healthy”

Valentine’s Day is over and we gave our hearts to the people we love most in our lives.  What better time of year to make sure that the heart we gave so freely is the healthiest heart it can be?  Sometimes the people we care about most need a little help and encouragement in recognizing the habits they should embrace to improve their cardiovascular health so that they can be around for many Valentine’s Days to come!  Here are some ideas to help make improving heart health a shared effort  that can help improve your wellbeing in addition to bringing you closer together with your spouse or loved ones.

Pick certain nights of the week where you each get to pick a healthy recipe to try for dinner that night.  Take your spouse to the grocery store to pick out the ingredients for the meal.  Once the ingredients are gathered, cook together as a couple or a family.  Since you are spending more time in the kitchen now, take time to re-organize the kitchen together.  Replacing less healthy foods with more nutritious options or making them less conspicuous so they are not your first choice when searching for a snack.

Who says your workout buddy cannot be your spouse?  Sign up to take a class together, or if you are already taking a class, invite your spouse or significant other to see what it is like.  Find something that you both enjoy and you will be more likely to stick with it, all the while spending time together!

Make it a date!

Instead of going out for dinner at a restaurant where it is easy to have your efforts sabotaged, take your spouse out dancing or some other physical activity.  Go for a bike ride or a long walk to get some exercise and get closer with each other.  And keep in mind that being intimate is an excellent form of exercise and decreases stress too!

So this month, make it a point for you and your valentine to implement one of these ideas into your routine.  Hopefully it will lead you both to a more heart healthy lifestyle while bringing you closer together.
- Ryan Schaul, MPT

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