Monday, January 27, 2014

Happy New Year!
Do you want to increase your physical activity?
Start drinking less pop? Do you want to lose weight?
Or increase your fruit and vegetable consumption?
Well, each year everyone has their own resolution, and I want to help you
achieve yours by giving four tips to remember in 2014!
If you are trying to eat healthier this year:

     1. Stay motivated by not going cold turkey on your current diet!
  • Avoid restricting foods. Instead, start by consuming them less frequently because it’s inevitable that you will want them even more by the end of your day. Remember moderation is key.
     2.  Gradually increase that food into your diet that you want more of!
  • If you want to consume more vegetables for example, instead of sitting down with a bowl of raw carrots. Try adding them into a soup, or spicing them up with cinnamon and (a dash of) sugar!
If you are trying to increase your physical fitness this year:

      3. If you don’t know how to do something, ASK!
  • The last thing you need to start off your new year is to get injured because you thought you knew how to do that one exercise. Easy solution! You can either ask a friend or family member who is knowledgeable, the internet has thousands of resources for every exercise imaginable, or you can find a personal trainer near you!
     4.  If you have experience in exercising, and you’re ready to challenge your body
          to a new level this year remember, you CAN!
  • Even though it may make you nervous to try something new, with the right coaching or training from an individual you can totally hit your cardio or weightlifting goals. Maybe you want to run your first 5k? Or accomplish a personal record in lifting? When it comes down to it before you have second thoughts, remind yourself how far you have come, and know that you CAN do it!

 Cheers to a healthy New Year, and You!
Written by Alexis D’Ascenzo, Dietetic Student at University of Illinois at Chicago, CPT

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