Welcome to the month of March also known as National Nutrition Month!
This year the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has come out
with their 2015 Dietary Guidelines. These guidelines act as a way to update
Registered Dietitians on the most current nutrition policies and education
topics. I would like to share with you one of the newest added recommendations:
added sugar. Even as a Registered Dietitian I can’t truthfully say I don’t
indulge every now and again on that piece of Dove chocolate, or reach for that
piece of pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving, nor would I ever tell my clients not to!
The key to nutrition success is moderation! As a nation 13% of our daily calories are
coming from added sugars, and remember added sugars don’t provide any fuel or
nutrition to our body…they are purely empty calories. These added sugars are
coming from a variety of foods, the more obvious sources are cakes, candy bars,
and ice cream but added sugars are hidden in other products like fruit cups
packed with syrups, fruit juices that are not 100% juice, refined breads and
sports drinks, just to name a few. These
added calories are increase our risk for diabetes and obesity. Let’s all make a
pledge to follow the new recommendation and make less than 10% of our calories
come from added sugar! Instead of scooping out a bowl of ice cream, puree one
frozen banana with one tablespoon of peanut butter for a mock-banana ice cream,
or melt 2 tbsp of dark chocolate and drizzle over fresh strawberries. Maybe
switch from “fruit drink” to “100% fruit juice”. Swapping out our sugar packed
treats for more health conscious ones doesn’t mean we have to sacrifice the
flavor! Make the change for a healthier you!
TheraCORE Locations
Inside the Five Seasons Sports Club
6901 S. Madison
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
(630) 590-5409
16622 W. 159th St., Ste. 503
Lockport, IL 60441
(815) 838-5070
350 E. Ogden Ave., Ste. 200
Westmont, IL 60559
(630) 908-7430