Friday, October 23, 2015

2015 National Physical Therapy Month

Fighting the Effects of Aging without Medication

This month is National Physical Therapy Month with an overall theme of aging well.  As we inevitably age, there are several misconceptions that are associated with the aging process.  Some of these misconceptions include:
  • Unable to participate in the same activities and hobbies after age 65
  • Losing strength and flexibility with age
  • Unable to live independently after age 80
  • Age = increases in pain
  • Debilitating disease and chronic conditions

·         While this list is often considered normal responses to aging, all of these are very preventable if addressed early.  All of the items on the list can be improved through increasing activity, improving daily postures, and having a base level of strength and mobility.  If action is taken to prevent these common side effects of poor aging it should be expected to enjoy an active life, stay healthy and pain-free, and maintain independence.  With the help of seeing your physical therapist, you can achieve the following benefits to turn back the clock and stay young:  
  •  Improve flexibility and strength
  • Reduce pain with daily and recreational activities
  • Increase independence
  • Increase safety and reduce risk of falls
  • Return to higher level activities such as sport and running
  • Improve overall health and fitness
  • Look and feel better

·         Negative side effects are commonly treated with medication and surgery when often a more conservative treatment in physical therapy can leave you feeling the best you have in years.  If you’re interested in more tips and information, visit to read more on how to age well.  If you have any general questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to post below! Don’t let pain and age keep you from doing what you love, come see us and let’s work together to help you #agewell!

Forever young,